
Holy Grail – 100K American Express Credit Card Offer
Nowadays, 100K sign up bonuses on credit cards are really hard to find. The Chase Sapphire Reserve card set off a feeding frenzy when it was announced, but Chase has been very selective about who gets it. Unless you complied with their 5/24 rule (less than 5 new cards in the last 24 months) or were a Chase Private Banking client, you were pretty much out of luck. (note : The Chase bonus offer ended on January 11, 2017.) The popularity of this card put American Express on notice – no more resting on your luxury card laurels.
American Express Platinum cards have upped the ante and are offering 100,000 Membership Rewards points on their Enhanced Business Platinum® Card through January 25, 2017. Membership Rewards points are currently worth around 1.5 cents each. You can increase that value substantially if you use your points to pay for airline tickets on qualifying airlines as they will rebate back 50% of the points you use.
Here are all of the details:
- LIMITED TIME OFFER: Earn up to 100,000 Membership Rewards® points. Offer expires January 25, 2017.
- Earn 50,000 Membership Rewards points after you spend $5,000. You also get an extra 50,000 points after you spend an additional $10,000 all on qualifying purchases within your first 3 months of Card Membership.
- NEW: Get 50% more Membership Rewards® points. That’s 1.5 points per dollar, on each qualifying purchase of $5,000 or more. You can get up to 1 million additional points per year.
- Plus, continue to get one point per dollar for qualifying purchases under $5,000.
- NEW 50% Airline Bonus: Use Membership Rewards® Pay with Points for all or part of a flight with your selected qualifying airline, and you can get 50% of the points back.
- NEW: You can also receive 50% points back on all First and Business class flights, with all airlines available through American Express Travel.
- You can enjoy access to the Global Lounge Collection, the only credit card airport lounge access program that includes proprietary lounge locations around the world.
Business Card? An Issue?
Many of us are involved in business activities even though they do not have an incorporated company. This can include such things as eBay sales, or any other small scale sales or service. You can always apply as a sole-proprietor and use your Social Security Number. In addition, almost all small business credit cards are based on your own credit and not business credit.
Worried about the purchases/spend to get the bonuses? Consider paying your monthly bills with Plastiq using your new AMEX Platinum Card.
Bottom Line: This is a great card to have if you have a business. Don’t delay. It’ll be January before you know it.
More details about the AMEX Enhanced Business Platinum® Card and other TravelZork Featured Credit Cards are just a click away.