Las Vegas vs Macau is a topic that is quite entertaining when you get a bunch of Casino Geeks (Vegas Nerds) in a casino suite, talking about what they find compelling.

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Episode #77 – [EXTRA! GOT 49 MINUTES!]
Las Vegas vs Macau

Fair enough. But I’d be in Southeast Asia for more than just Macau anyways. And after 15-plus trips and negative changes in service and fees, Vegas on its own is not the draw it once was for me. And I’m not a huge gambler: just don’t have the bankroll to comp harvest, etc.
Some thoughts (via twitter) from Han
What do you find captivating about a casino destination? TravelZork and ZorkCast (The TravelZork Podcast) love to discuss casino destinations and the casino experience. Join Michael, Eric and Han as they discuss Macau and Vegas.
Also, there will be some side conversation about other casino destinations and aviation geek (#AvGeek) goodness. Is it about luxury and service? Is gambling experience more important than the resort experience? Geography and value are also topics we will touch on when discussing Las Vegas vs Macau on ZorkCast.
And yes, this episode all came together because of a tweet.
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