Nine Minutes On… Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino
Michael and I are constantly being asked for our thoughts on certain properties in Las Vegas, both from new visitors and seasoned visitors alike. Due to this, we decided it would be useful to record a series of nine-minute episodes of ZorkCast, interspersed with longer episodes, spending nine minutes reviewing and discussing different Vegas hotels and casinos. With that, “Nine Minutes On…” was born, starting with ZorkCast Episode 94: Nine Minutes On Mandalay Bay.

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GOT 9 minutes? – A chat about casinos, luxury travel, Las Vegas, and gambling with a focus on experiences. #PaxEx (Passenger Experience) and #CasinoEx (Casino Experience) are major areas of conversation and exploration. Get your daily dose.
ZorkCast, the podcast that is all about helping you travel smarter, gamble smarter, and maximize your adventures.
Episode #94 – Nine Minutes On…Mandalay Bay
Michael and I begin by running down their thoughts on the different room types at Mandalay Bay. We also give our attention to Mandalay Bay’s sister property, The Delano, as well as the Four Seasons (which is within the resort). We take a look at the different restaurant options through the resort, ranging from fine dining to fast eats. The pool is one of the highlights about Mandalay Bay, we run down why it is a particular strength. Perhaps most importantly, we give a clear run down of the casino itself, and the range of slot machines and table games available. Finally, we both consider the location of Mandalay Bay, a topic that often prompts some heated discussion amongst Vegas visitors!
So should you stay at Mandalay Bay? Which the best room type, and where should you go for breakfast? Is the Delano tower the better option? Get the answers you need, in around twenty minutes, in the latest episode of ZorkCast.
Listen to Episode 94 of ZorkCast Below
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