Gambling Podcasts and Las Vegas Podcasts
The world of gambling podcasts and Vegas podcasts is filled with fledgeling podcasters that came on the scene thinking it will be fun and easy to have a successful internet radio show. Many Gambling Podcasts and Las Vegas Podcasts promise unique, captivating content, inside information, a regular schedule and state of the art production. Not surprising many of them failed to deliver, and they soon disappear.
The way some of these shows come out of nowhere and disappear just as quickly reminds TheInveterateGambler of the famous line in “Rounders” when “Teddy KGB” states (with a Russian accent) “Just like a young man coming in for a quickie.”
Despite so many podcasts turning out to be duds, there are a few gems that survived.
In November 2017, TravelZork published TheInveterateGambler’s list of The Ten Best Gambling and Las Vegas Podcasts. Since then TheInveterateGambler has added several to his personal playlist.
Here are some additional recommendations, some are new since the 2017 list, others have been around for a few years but did not make it on to the first list. These Gambling and Las Vegas Podcasts are listed in NO particular order, click on the title and you will be brought to the podcast website or the podcast page on iTunes.
Be sure to also check out “Still Great and Highly Recommended” which are featured at the end of this post.
This podcast was noted as an honorable mention in the 2017 top ten list.
Hosted by “The Duke of Downtown,” Scott Roeben, a blogger, amateur photographer, humorist, Las Vegas insider and general “man-about-town.’ Mr. Roeben runs his show in an irreverent manner one would expect from a former contestant on the 1990’s TV game show “Love Connection”. (Yes he actually was.)
Vital Vegas – A Proven News Breaker
Despite his apparent disorganized presentation and self-deprecating humor, Mr. Roeben is a proven news breaker. Time after time his network of spies have provided him with spot-on reports of Vegas casino management intrigue and hot entertainment scoops that break days, weeks, or months before any established columnist or mainstream news outlet. Be sure to also check out the Vital Vegas website.
Mr. Roeben’s sometimes cohost is his, reportedly dazzling, lady friend, Emre. When she joins him, she adds a much needed female spark to the male-dominated gambling podcast field.
Hosted by former casino dealers that are now casino table games floor supervisors, that go by the monikers “Spike” and “T-Bag.”
The hosts provide a true insider, behind the scenes look at what occurs in a Las Vegas casino. Topics include dealing with casino disputes, interacting with disagreeable coworkers, casino surveillance, comp ratings, learning to deal, interacting with the varied personalities of patrons and a myriad of related topics. The duo also philosophizes on life often meandering off on personal stories entirely unrelated to the casino. The non-casino stories are generally enjoyable to listeners.
Fun fact – Based on their stories of past adventures, for some reason, the hosts seemed to have had an inordinate amount of full-on fist fights in their lives.
THE BETTOR LIFE – Gambling Podcast
Tim Lawson, a former US Marine, hosts this show which features a weekly guest from the world of recreational casino play or sports gambling. This is not Lawsons’s first foray into podcasting, so he was able to hit the ground running and deliver a quality product from the start. Lawson is well prepared for his interviews. The show is a platform for Lawson to embrace his fondness for the lifestyle of the recreational gambler and to connect with the community of likeminded casino players and sports gamblers.
After his initial solo hosting, Mr. Lawson has now been joined by a regular co-host, the casino comp, travel hacking and credit card points expert Eric Rosenthal. The two host format works much better than the single host, and there is no more knowledgeable recreational gambling personality than Mr. Rosenthal. The Bettor Life was also a sponsor of the first Podcasters After Dark in Las Vegas.
TheInveterateGambler is little more than a casual sports fan nor was he ever anything more than a “favorite team” sports bettor, but this podcast still interests him.
The host Gill Alexander is an expert in all phases of sports betting. On each episode, he demonstrates his immense knowledge of numerous professional sports. Besides the most popular topic NFL football, Alexander discusses baseball, boxing, soccer, golf, horse racing, and fantasy sports.
Each week Alexander brings in guests from the world of sports betting. They discuss news, injuries, odds, spreads, statics and trends. The experts provide their recommendations FREE OF CHARGE. If you enjoy sports, statistics and fact-based sports talk this is a great choice.
SEVEN OUT PODCAST – Gambling Podcast
TheInveterateGambler thinks of this podcast as the East Coast version of the iconic You Can Bet on That podcast. Seven Out is hosted by tournament poker aficionado “Vinny Chenz” and his buddy, recreational gambler “Big Joe.” As of this writing, the shows somewhat lean towards discussions of poker tournaments, but they also discuss the other aspects of casino gambling. The hosts have a fantastic and authentic rapport. It is evident that they are the real deal when it comes to recreational gamblers. The Inveterate Gamblers expects this to become one of the most popular podcasts for the recreational gambler.
The host, “Jeff” is a resident of Canada and a serial Las Vegas visitor. Six trips per year are not unusual for him. His trip reports are incredibly detailed, for example sharing items like “I had a cup of coffee at such and such place.”
If you are going to Vegas for the first time and you want to prepare for any contingency, from kiosk check-in to the latest shows, this is the podcast for you. Conversely, the Vegas veteran will revel in hearing Jeff’s take on all things Las Vegas.
His tips and tricks are valuable to the new visitor and veteran alike. TheInveterateGambler found Jeff’s sharing the story of spreading a little bit of his mother’s ashes in a special spot that he can visit when in his favorite town, very poignant.
THE VEGAS CLUB – Gambling Podcast
This is a reimagining of the former Vegas Bun Boy Podcast. Coming from the United Kingdom, TheInveterateGambler includes this podcast in his feed despite the language difference that causes him to not be able to understand half of what is discussed. A multi-host format is drawn from a pool of five gambling fans.
TheInveterateGambler believes that contrary to the podcast name it is more suited towards UK gamblers than those looking for Las Vegas information. They recently held a very successful listener meet-up in London.
99% Craps – Gambling Podcast
As they record in their moving vehicle, traveling from casino to casino, two hardcore craps players discuss their numerous craps adventures at various casinos. This podcast is for the diehard craps player. They preach “discipline,” but admit that they lose focus when having fun and leave discipline by the wayside.
Topics include craps rules, history, strategies, superstitions, etiquette and more.
CRAPS JOURNEY – Gambling Podcast
The host “Aaron”, broadcasts from Brisbane Australia. He began playing craps in 2015 and decided to share his journey from a novice to an experienced player.
His recent episode concerning his purchasing of a craps table for his home in Australia left TheInveterateGambler scratching his head about some of his decisions.
That said, the show is definitely of interest to the craps hobbyist. The Hosts companion website has his stats, photos and related videos.
Sports touts are a controversial topic, but TheInveterateGambler finds the carnival barker demeanor of these hosts fascinating.
Broadcasted from Las Vegas, this podcast has a high-quality video simulcast on YouTube. The origin of the podcast lies in the CNBC cable television reality show, “Money Talks, “ which featured the personal and business life of, Darrin Notaro also known as “Steve Stevens.”
Stevens is the proprietor of “VIP SPORTS” a Las Vegas-based paid sports tout service. That television show is no longer aired, but Stevens’ business is still selling their sports picks and thriving. The show is co-hosted by Stevens’ second in command, a larger than life guy that goes by the moniker, “The Big Skipper” The duo refer to themselves as “bookie killers.”
The focus of the show, besides discussing current sports contests is to encourage listeners to call VIP Sports and sign up for one of their myriad of pay sports betting selections or packages.
TheInveterateGambler finds the interaction between the hosts of this podcast to be very entertaining. Like gazing at a car accident as you pass, their constant hawking of their service and promise of gambling riches is mesmerizing. That said, TheInveterateGambler has never purchased anything from VIP, nor will he.
TheInveterateGambler believes that long term success in sports betting is very difficult in 2019. With the worldwide web, the data that was once only known to a few lucky insiders is now available, to everyone. That no longer secret information is now fully factored into the calculations of the oddsmakers.
In addition, despite all the statistical analysis, the game has to be played, and during a real game anything can happen, a bad bounce of a ball or a pulled muscle can never be predicted in any mathematical algorithm.
Hopefully, you will find some of these podcasts interesting. They are great for airline travel, waiting for an appointment or while commuting to and from work.

Still Great and Highly Recommended – Gambling and Vegas Podcasts
Hosts Mark DeVol and Dr. Mike have acquired a growing and very loyal following. This is a true gambling podcast, The hosts are two real recreational gamblers, that relate stories of their frequent casino visits.
The show leans somewhat towards the game of craps (Which is great!) However, each episode includes a segment on a specific aspect of gambling.
One episode it may be a certain game, another comps or sports betting, they have even discussed problem gambling. They also feature listener calls with reports from casinos around the country providing insight into the good and the bad from different properties. Anyone that is interested in recreational gambling in any form would find this podcast interesting.
Hosted by professional video poker player Bob Dancer and noted card counter Richard Munchkin. Each week the duo hosts a gambling related figure. One week it may be a pseudo-named advantage players revealing some of his secrets, the next week it may be a well known gambling celebrity.
Gambling attorney Bob Nersesian is a frequent visitor as is the publisher of The Las Vegas Advisor Anthony Curtis. Episodes featuring only Bob and Richard answering listener questions are interesting as well as informative.
Broadcasting since 2005, this is the granddaddy of the genre. Hosts Tim and Michelle Dressen, frequent Las Vegas visitors, discuss all aspects Las Vegas including, hotel experiences, restaurants, entertainment and general Las Vegas news. The discussions can spiral off on tangents including rants about a new trend that is annoying Tim.
Voice messages left by listeners are a great part of the show. This podcast has a very active Facebook page where members share experiences and answer queries from people planning visits to Vegas.
The hosts are the featured attraction at an annual October meeting of listeners, currently known as The Summit.
Just in case, you were not aware of the “Five Hundy by Midnight” reference.
Did you ever wonder what it’s like to be a part of the industry that is Las Vegas. This podcast is a look behind the curtain to peer into the life of the people and the places that make a casino town different than any other.
Chris, the host, of the podcast works hard to find the people that support his favorite city. His interview style is laidback but still comprehensive.
His show include interviews of poker players, strippers, tattoo artists, dealers, magicians, card counters, gambling authors, chefs etc. Chris also includes trip reports including visits to local establishments that he takes with friends and his wife Jenny.
Host Cousin Vito discusses casino gambling with a New York City, “Forget about it” style, even though he’s in Connecticut, Go figure.
Anyhow, Cousin Vito has attracted some great guests to his show and his interviewing skills have really hit their stride. His genuine enthusiasm for casinos is apparent in each episode. He also added a co-host, Cousin Mikey, his real cousin.
Hosted by Tony Snyder and Jason Gillikin. This is more of a lifestyle podcast that just casino related but I feel that it still fits well into this list. Each episode features a segment on fine spirits, cigars and casino gambling
The hosts have encyclopedic knowledge of the topics and provide incredible detail. This is a great resource for researching a fine spirit or cigar prior to making a purchase. The casino segment addresses myriad subjects including how to play various casino games, comps and related topics.
The name of this podcast may be deceiving because on most episodes the Las Vegas related discussion seems like an afterthought, however, they eventually get to it.
The hosts Mitch and Dr. Kev, tackle a variety of topics, including politics and even microbiology, in what seems like an off the cuff discussion between two longtime friends.
In newer episodes, they seem to be trying to break the mold of so many other podcast that just discuss Las Vegas, as they now comment of casino related experiences throughout the USA.
Dr. Kev often is the straight man to the comedy, much of it self-deprecating, of his partner Mitch. The hosts have authored the book “Casino Blackjack for the Recreational Player.”
A unique entry in the podcast field as it concentrates on the Atlantic City visitor experience. Whether you are a frequent visitor to the city or a prospective visitor wondering about Atlantic City you will find this podcast informative and entertaining.
It is hosted by Craig Stone and Kyle Askin, two Atlantic City fans and casino enthusiasts. The show focuses on the casinos as well as local bars and restaurants. The hosts also discuss the broader business of the casino industry.
This podcast has the best opening of any podcast, with a montage of lines from Las Vegas related movies.
Mark Wojtowicz is joined by his current cohost, Keren along with Tony Snyder. The podcast features news and in-depth commentary about wide-ranging Las Vegas related topics.
The banter is punctuated with profanity and bouts of laughter, so if that distracts you may want to skip this one. The hosts are also is not shy about their political leanings. 360 Vegas Vacation listener meetups in Vegas are very popular.