Earning Caesars Marketing Offers (and continuing to receive them) from a large casino loyalty program such as Total Rewards is a very complicated endeavor. There are numerous variables to consider, such as which property you are playing at and how popular that property is, how badly that property wants to drum up business, what games, amenities and restaurants are available, etc., but before I launch into specifics, let me define just what a Marketing Offer is.
What is a Marketing Offer?
A Casino Marketing Offer is an enticement that a casino directs to a customer, based upon that customer’s gaming activity, to try to lure them into playing or spending more at a property. It is usually delivered in a letter, brochure (mailer) or email that lists extra benefits available to that customer to use during a future trip to a casino. It can include comped hotel rooms and shows, free food and beverage and free play (gaming credit usually available to download onto a machine or with table games, paper coupons for match play or free bet).
These custom offers can be property or market (region) specific. Caesars has casinos all over the country and sometimes your play in one destination (such as Atlantic City) will trigger corporate offers for other destinations in the US (such as Las Vegas). Free gifts, cruises, giveaways and drawings may also be offered.
What’s in it for the casino?
Marketing Offers are a money making tool for the company. Caesars Total Rewards uses very sophisticated mathematical formulas to tailor the offers to your gaming habits and lure you back into a casino where these extra niceties will ply you away from your cash and maximize the casino’s profit. They do a lot of market research and they know that by giving you all these extra perks, it is more likely that you will be beguiled away from your funds! And that—is why—we counter their strategy by coming up with a plan to appear more profitable to them and thus generate better offers than we otherwise would! Now, the casino always has the upper hand, but if we enjoy the casino experience and are willing to gather information and come up with a play strategy, we can still have fun, but in a less expensive way.
How is this done?
This is accomplished with the timing of when and how much we play in relation to when we take advantage of these Marketing Offers. At this point, I feel compelled to mention that the discipline and strategies you need to employ to maximize your offers can seem like a job and this is no small point. You really have to enjoy both the gaming and learning the system to make it all worthwhile. You can extract maximum value from your bankroll, but you are always at a disadvantage to the casino loyalty program, even when you have a theoretical gaming advantage! You are a human, going up against a computer system, Lady Luck and the whims of the program. What determines marketing offers isn’t specifically defined, like tier status benefits or promotions. You’ve got to gather information, experiment and make educated guesses to try to trigger offers. You can invest a lot of time and money for probable rewards that for whatever reason, you do not receive. Just like the play, you are making an informed decision, but it’s still a gamble.
Also, once you establish yourself and the system has information on your gaming habits, it becomes more and more difficult to earn the comps you want. This can lead to comp chasing—desperately playing, maybe even above your means, to keep getting the same level of perks. And frankly, that is why Total Rewards exists—to establish loyalty to the brand and to make you believe that your losses are worth the total casino experience. It is up to you to decide exactly what your losses are worth, because unless you put winnings aside without parlaying them, you are going to lose eventually. Getting more comps via Marketing Offers will limit those losses.