Fortune Cup by Konami Gaming in finally in casinos. You may be familiar with this horse racing game from its tour around the world in 2016. Last year, Konami took this massive game to just about every gaming conference to gauge interest. Well, they found interest as the game is now at being tested at The Venetian. Another unit will be installed at MGM Grand before the month is over.
The Venetian placed Fortune Cup near The Dorsey where it sits close to a video Big Wix wheel and video Blackjack game. Here’s a close-up of a full race. I shifted between the horses and video screen so you have the full perspective of the game.
Very Realistic and Lots of Options
There’s a lot to take in with Fortune Cup. This might be a horse racing game but it ain’t Sigma Derby. Fortune Cup is the most realistic horse racing game to land in casinos. This game has eight mechanical horses that move smoothly and flexibly across the track, passing one another, crisscrossing formations, and switching directions. Horse racing fans should be impressed by the movement.
Related: Are You Ready For The Next Sigma Derby?
Unlike Sigma Derby, players can bet on a horse to win or place. Like Sigma Derby, players can bet on a quinella (1st place and 2nd place finishers). The minimum wager for Fortune Cup at The Venetian is $1.

Each betting stations has up-to-the-minute stats on horse odds, rank, running style, and most recent 5 race results. The game almost has the feel of watching races on TV with a touchscreen that allows you to wager on the action you’re reading.
Each race lasts about 40 seconds and there is 40 seconds in between each race to catch your breath and place bets for the next race. Much like real races the horses are introduced and approach the gate on the large video screen behind the track.

When the race begins you can listen to the announcer and watch the action around the track or on the large video screen behind the track. If you prefer you can actually add the video screen of the race onto your betting station.
The betting stations at The Venetian allow players to use their Club Grazie card to earn players club points. Each station also has two charging outlets for mobile devices and can call for drink service like a normal slot machine.

Fortune Cup is not Sigma Derby. Horse racing fans should love the realistic feel to the game. The horses run smooth, change lanes, and there’s a lot of information for each horse. Much like Sigma Derby before it, Fortune Cup seems like a fun low-budget game where you can hang out, relax, throw back some drinks and possibly hit a few winners.