Sunday News | More Vegas Restaurants and New Vegas Fees For You
I look forward to writing Sunday News because there has been something interesting happening every week since TravelZork launched. Having said that, last week might have been the slowest news week in Las Vegas in a while. A few restaurants opened, a new residency launched and I just learned about a new fee to hit Las Vegas.
Las Vegas | Dinner At Rx Boiler Room Was Over Before It Started (In A Good Way)
There are times when I go out to eat and don’t have the intention of writing a review of the experience. Sometimes a nice meal is best kept among the diners. That was the plan when I visited Rx Boiler Room at Mandalay Bay.
UPDATE on KLM Upgrade Bidding
If you have recently tried to access KLM Upgrade Bidding via the “Upgrade Yourself” portal you probably have noticed that this service is not available. After a few inquiries, KLM has confirmed that the link is “temporarily unavailable.”
Holy Grail | American Express 100K Bonus
Nowadays, 100K sign up bonuses on credit cards are really hard to find. American Express Platinum cards have upped the ante and are offering 100,000 Membership Rewards points on their Enhanced Business Platinum® Card through January 25, 2017.
Cruise Hacking | A Newbie’s Guide – Part 3
Previously, I covered the steps that led me to consider my first cruise and the education I received trying to navigate my way through the complex process of booking a cruise without destroying my wallet. Cruise Hacking has proved to be a whole new animal with some elements of Airline and Hotel Hacking, but with a whole new vocabulary to learn. In this last installment, I’ll cover my lively and informative phone conversations with NCL’s customer service agents, the details and lessons learned, and how I finally booked and paid for my first cruise, ever.
Richard Branson Sets Sail With Virgin Voyages
Sir Richard Branson, a man who transforms virtually every media and travel market he focuses on, is ready to shake up the entire world of cruises.