How do you alter your play to receive the best casino offers possible based on your bankroll? As I stated in the previous installment, it’s done by the timing of your gaming sessions, which directly affects your theo (your theoretical loss to the casino, which is the way that the casino calculates what you are worth to them.).
Whether or not you have played at a property before and the frequency of your visits determines optimal timing of play. A higher theo is earned by concentrating your trip bankroll into one or two gaming days (depending upon the length of your trip) and keeping that level consistent each trip. Alternatively, playing one “huge” gaming day and then taking advantage of the casino offers received until they run out, and not concentrating on your future trip play might be more effective for some.
Play Big or Not at All
Further to the Golden Rule of Play Big or Not at All (Discussed in Total Rewards – Part 2). Don’t short play. Short Play is logging play in a new gaming day (the times of a gaming day vary by casino) for just a few minutes or for a much shorter time than you usually do. This dilutes your Theo, which will eventually affect your future casino offers. If you must play in a new gaming day, even if you are staying at the casino and using your comps, do not use your slot card to log play that day. Your offers may be reduced because you took advantage of comps or logged no play but they will be further reduced if you short play!
So, for example, say you trigger a Friday and Saturday comp at a casino. Play one big day on either Friday or Saturday (or the day you are receiving free play if it’s not both days). DO NOT play on your card Sunday morning before you leave. Different casinos calculate your theo in different ways, but as a rule, it’s always better to play bigger, less frequently.
Total Rewards knows there are smart gamblers (like us) who are trying to maximize their gains and limit their losses, but they also know that even with a calculated approach there is risk involved. Tier Credit Bonuses only match base reward credits when you get to 1000 Tier Credits. This is between $5000 and $10000 coin in depending upon the game you are playing and you don’t get additional bonuses in between these targets. The casino loyalty program is purposefully giving you incentive to play bigger sessions and if you do well and exceed a Tier Credit Bonus level, they want you to be motivated to continue playing until the next level. The casino makes money on every wager made so everything the Total Rewards program does is to encourage more and bigger wagers!
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Don’t Waste an Opportunity
If you are a new casino loyalty program member and put in the biggest play day possible, the first time you used your slot card, then you should wait and see what casino offers you receive before going back to the casino. This is especially true if your normal session bankroll is smaller than what you wagered that first time. You need a game plan after you receive those first offers because you are NEVER going to receive offers as good as you will after your first time playing (or if you haven’t played for years on a card and have gone dormant). That is why you don’t waste an opportunity with that first play.

It’s all about THEO
Your THEO, not status or how much you won or lost is going to determine marketing offers. You may be able to see a host about comps if you really took a beat down (big loss), but marketing offers will be calculated based upon your theoretical loss to Caesars Entertainment Corporation.
The first indicator of the amount of play required for certain casino offers is whether or not you get a mailer with comped weekend rooms. Weekend comps are reserved for a casino’s bigger players. Depending on the property and your bankroll, you may never trigger weekend comped rooms. If you triggered weekend comp rooms with big play that is much higher than what you can play the next trip, then you must book your reservations while they are available and assume that as soon as you play less on your next trip, those offers will probably be reduced to weekdays in your next mailer.
So, basically, once you receive casino offers, you have to decide if they are worth trying to extend in full or if you should calculate your play to make the most of what you have already received and shoot for a diminishing level of marketing offers. You’re always going to receive more if you make less frequent trips with higher play per trip. If you just love the casino and want to go frequently, you are going to have to live with the comps you get or have the bankroll to continue to play at that level. Though, even if you do continue to play at that level, if you make frequent trips, your offers are eventually going to get reduced, because you’ve established the highest level that you are going to play at. Total Rewards will still give you the comps you have earned, but you will not be further incentivized to return to the casino. If you play the best games, at promotional times, the system will also note that and your offers will decline.
To summarize, you’ve got to play in a way that will show the system that the level of play that you have done is just the beginning and there’s more where that came from.
Caesars Casino Loyalty Program — TravelZork
Caesars Loyalty-Total Rewards | Everything You Need To Know – Part 1
Everything You Need To Know – Part 2 | TIER STATUS
What is a Caesars Marketing Offer? – Part 3
Achieving Caesars Total Rewards Seven Stars Status With Video Poker
One of the many FoundersCard Benefits | “Free” Upgrade to Caesars Total Rewards Diamond Status