Spring Bonus On Tier Credits
Total Rewards, the casino loyalty program of Caesars Entertainment Corporation is running a promotion where you receive a 50% bonus on Tier Credits earned from April 1 to June 30th 2016 (up to 25,000 maximum) when you opt-in to their Spring Tier Credit Bonus. This might be a good opportunity for you to earn elite status (Platinum, Diamond and Seven Stars) more quickly and efficiently than you could otherwise.
If you hold elite status now, it expires on March 31, 2016, unless you earned the necessary points in 2015 to extend it (and this expiring status would have been earned some time in 2014.) For a tier that you earn in 2016, your status expires on January 31, 2018 (changing from previous years where it would have been March 31.) To clarify, you now qualify for a specific tier status whenever you earn the required number of points from January 1 to December 31 and you retain that status for the remainder of that year, for all of the next year and through January 31 of the following year.
What About Elite Status?
Elite status is a means to an end. You do receive specific quantifiable benefits for each tier that you earn and some of these enhance your casino experience and make it more enjoyable (such as express lines, players lounges and guaranteed reservations) but overall, it’s your theo (your theoretical loss to the casino) that marketing offers are going to be based upon and marketing offers, although somewhat mysteriously dispensed, must be taken into consideration to get the most value from your casino action. The casinos offer elite status to entice players to visit more often and thus, to play more and the more wagers that are made, the more money the casino makes from its advantage. It IS possible for a player to minimize the house edge and to stretch their gaming dollar but this must be done with a counter strategy to what the casino is doing. In some ways this is like any other purchase you make. The more you know about the intricacies of the market you are purchasing from, the more likely you are to get a fair price!
Basic Tiers
Here are the basic tiers (Click here for more detailed info: Total Rewards Program 2016 electronic brouchure)
- Gold: 0 – 4999 Tier Credits
- Platinum: 5000 – 14999 Tier Credits
- Diamond: 15000 Tier Credits
- Seven Stars: 150000 Tier Credits (exclusive invitation only)
You will not receive any additional comps for this promotion (though if you increase your theo while earning Tier Credits, you probably will receive more comps through marketing offers).
Daily Tier Credit Bonuses
Daily Tier Credit Bonuses are awarded for reaching one of the following four daily milestones:
- 500 TC +125 Tier Credit Bonus = 625 TC Total
- 1000 TC + 1000 Tier Credit Bonus = 2000 TC Total
- 2500 TC + 5000 Tier Credit Bonus = 7500 TC Total
- 5000 TC + 10000 Tier Credit Bonus = 15000 TC Total
The more play (coin in or ci) you give them in the fewest amount of visits is always going to make your theo better and that is also the kind of play that Total Rewards is encouraging with the Daily Tier Credit Bonuses. You only receive a 25% Tier Credit Bonus when you play 500 points in one day, but you get a 100% Tier Credit Bonus if you double your action to 1000 TC. From there, you have to give them two and a half times more play (2500 TC) to get a 200% bonus. You have to double that amount to get the same 200% bonus at 5000 TC, which is the highest Daily Tier Credit Bonus and gives you Diamond Status in one day.
I will delve further into Total Rewards in future articles but for now, I’d like to describe the benefits of the Spring Tier Credit Bonus that goes into effect on April 1. Spring Tier Credit Bonus Terms & Conditions
The basic conditions are that you have to Opt In and earn at least 1000 credits between April 1 and June 30. That’s TOTAL Tier Credits during those three months, so no matter what denomination and frequency you play at, you should Opt In if you are going to be playing between April 1 and June 30th...
The Coolest Thing About This Promotion
Here’s the BEST feature of the promotion:
“Daily Tier Credit Bonuses earned during the Offer Period will count towards meeting the 1,000 Tier Credit minimum and will be included in the calculation of the Spring Tier Credit Bonus amount.” Meaning, that if you earn a Daily Tier Credit Bonus, they will give you a 50% Spring Tier Credit Bonus on the TOTAL amount earned, including the Daily Bonus. So:
- 1000 TC + 1000 Tier Credit Bonus = 2000 TC + (50%) = 3000 TC Total
- 2500 TC + 5000 Tier Credit Bonus = 7500 TC + (50%) = 11250 TC Total
- 5000 TC + 10000 Tier Credit Bonus = 150000 + (50%) = 22500 TC Total
And SPEND counts! (I confirmed it with Total Rewards because we do our homework at TravelZork!). So, say you booked a Saturday night stayover at Harrah’s in Atlantic City for $200, got an 80 minute Red Door Signature Massage for $200, ate dinner at the Steakhouse for $100 and earned 500 Tier Credits playing before the gaming day was over. There’s your 1000 Tier Credit minimum for both the Daily Tier Credit Bonus and the 50% Spring Tier Credit Bonus for a total of 3000 TC for the one day trip. You don’t have to earn a Daily Tier Credit Bonus to qualify for the 50% Spring Tier Credit Bonus, but it increases your earnings power if you do.

The Spring Bonus maxes out at 25000 Tier Credits for 50000 Tier Credits earned, so you can only receive a 25000 Spring Tier Credit Bonus towards earning Seven Stars, but it would certainly get you part of the way there and two days at the maximum Daily Tier Credit Bonus, with the 50% Spring Tier Credit Bonus would get you to the first Aspiration Level (you receive additional benefits when you reach the two levels of Diamond before attaining Seven Stars)
- Day 1: 5000 TC + 10000 TC = 15000 + 7500 (50%) = 22500 for Day
- Day 2: 5000 TC + 10000 TC = 15000 + 7500 (50%) = 22500 for Day
For a total of 45,000 TC (The first aspiration level is 40,000 TC)
If you can afford to earn 1000 TC in a day, during this promotion you would only have to play 5 days to earn your Diamond Status and you would earn Platinum even if you could only play two 1000 TC days.
There are multiple ways to take advantage of this promotion, no matter the size of your bankroll or the frequency you gamble. In future articles I will spend more time on maximizing the value of Total Rewards, but play it right and this Spring Tier Credit Bonus will definitely add to your overall program benefit.
11th April 2016 | Article Correction Note : Spend DOES NOT qualify for a Daily Tier Credit Bonus, though Spend will count towards the Spring Tier Credit Bonus if you earn at least 1000 TC between April 1 and June 30 and Opt In to the promotion.