In case you missed the news, TravelZork has launched a daily podcast, ZorkCast.
ZorkCast is also available on many of your favourite podcast players including : iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play and Overcast.
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Get your daily dose, that usually does not exceed 9 minutes. EVERY DAY. #ZorkCast powered by TravelZork
ZorkCast, the podcast that is all about helping you travel smarter, gamble smarter, and maximize your adventures.

Our 9th Episode
Today we celebrate our ninth episode : The Number 9 and Stardust Casino Las Vegas
The episode I just published, TOTALLY MY PASSION! If you want to learn about my early days of baccarat, Vegas and Vegas and baccarat… and some Stardust Las Vegas history, you’ll definitely want to listen to Episode 9! Also, be sure to join the ZorkCast group on FaceBook and you can view the “long lost” photos from the final weekend at Stardust Casino. This is the Facebook group to continue the conversation from the ZorkCast podcast and TravelZork website. Feel free to start a conversation related to anything TravelZork or ZorkCast.
Special shout-out to Vital Vegas for posting that “SEXY AF” pic of the Stardust Las Vegas sign, and inspiring my ramblings about Stardust Las Vegas!