In case you missed the news, TravelZork has launched a daily podcast, ZorkCast.
ZorkCast is also available on many of your favourite podcast players including : iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play and Overcast.
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Get your daily dose, that usually does not exceed 9 minutes. EVERY DAY. #ZorkCast powered by TravelZork.
ZorkCast, the podcast that is all about helping you travel smarter, gamble smarter, and maximize your adventures.
Episode #19 – Optimising One Night Luxury Hotel Stays using FHR
Today we talk about one of my favourite hotel programs, American Express Fine Hotels and Resorts (FHR). We discuss optimising a one night hotel stay, and making it almost like a two day getaway. We also talk benefits, and how to decide when booking with FHR (or any hotel benefit program) is a good deal.
Also, be sure to join the ZorkCast group on FaceBook.This is the Facebook group to continue the conversation from the ZorkCast podcast and TravelZork website. Feel free to start a conversation related to anything TravelZork or ZorkCast.