TravelZork Has a Podcast, ZorkCast
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GOT 9 minutes? – A chat about casinos, luxury travel, Las Vegas, and gambling with a focus on experiences. #PaxEx (Passenger Experience) and #CasinoEx (Casino Experience) are major areas of conversation and exploration. Get your daily dose.
ZorkCast, the podcast that is all about helping you travel smarter, gamble smarter, and maximize your adventures.

Episode #25 – Booking Mistake Fares (“deal” Fares) – Part 1
Today we talk about airline “deal” fares, often referred to as mistake or error fares. I provide an overview of the process and also some tips and tricks. It is important to understand that booking these airline fares are not for the risk-averse. If you do not like to gamble, it is probably something that is not for you. But, some of the skills you use to book these fares are also quite useful for booking traditional airline tickets.
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