Mlife Tier Reset
A new year (so to speak) and a new me. Or rather a new tier. That’s right kids, it’s now October and all those earned Mlife (tier level) credits are about as worthwhile as a turtle in a greyhound race. If you are new to Mlife, be sure to check out the beginning of our Mlife series on TravelZork.
I logged into my account on September 29 to find this…

And once I logged in on October 1…

Sad panda. The points are gone. Tier Credits no more. But the tier I earned is now my tier for the new year until I earn more points to upgrade, or downgrade based on a lack of play. Also note that this reset has had no impact on my EXPRESS COMPS or POINTplay credits. Mlife’s system is straightforward if seemingly unfair. Make a tier level by October, it’s yours for the rest of the year, don’t make it back and you get downgraded to wherever you don’t want to be (possibly) and zeroed out. It’s not the best game in the world, but I’ll take it over the mysteries of programs like Grazie or Wynn’s Red Card which I’m pretty sure is only explained in ancient Sanskrit. For those who get their Mlife status via the Hyatt Partnership (status match), you might want to review “How To Re-link your Hyatt & Mlife Status.”
That said, I’m now Pearl, again, and will stay that way through most of 2016. High hopes, maybe I’ll make Noir. An maybe the Cubs will win the World Series. Either way the Mlife clock keeps ticking…