Vegas is open — The latest on Vegas
People ask all the time, is Vegas open? The answer is an enthusiastic YES! BUT, things are changing all the time. At TravelZork we try to keep you informed and up to date with regard to all the constant changes.
February 27, 2022 – THE LATEST!
Vegas News | The Most Vegas News Ever… Masks Now Optional, And Dice Are Loose At Wynn
February 6, 2022
Vegas News | Fremont Expanding, Durango Under Construction And Gritty Strips At Chippendales
January 30, 2022
Vegas News | Imploding The Tropicana And Mirage (Volcano), Adele Bails On Vegas, And A Virgin Resort Fee
NEW Wynn Vegas Rooms – The OG Of Vegas Luxury
(This Article Updated February 2022,
This article has been continuously updated since Vegas reopened in June 2020)
Mask Update August 1, 2021
As of December 2021 – Mask Rules Remain in Las Vegas
Clark County is removing all COVID restrictions on June 1. Las Vegas will essentially be operating at the same capacity as of February 2020. It is worth repeating: Everything Is Back in Vegas.
Mask Up Vegas
Vaccinated and Unvaccinated People
As of Friday, July 30th, 2021 you once again have to wear a mask when indoors in Las Vegas. This mandate is for everyone – vaccinated and unvaccinated people. There’s no timeframe on how long this will last. You can read about the mask mandate in Las Vegas here and here.
Our latest (Vegas is Open – April 2021!) is the on-location Vegas series, Road Trip to Vegas Mini-Series from April 4th to April 8th.
Our prior visit was in February 2021.
Find all the details on ZorkCast, the TravelZork Podcast.
Season 5 – Episode 110 Back To Vegas and Encore Boston Harbor Updates
In addition to a last-minute Wynn Las Vegas trip in January 2021, our prior trip to Vegas was in November 2020 for the Circa Opening. I also had the pleasure to visit another Caesars property. I was very critical in this article of my June 2020 visit to Caesars Palace Las Vegas, but things improved in November 2020. So, it’s important to point out the hotel experience has gotten much better at Caesars Properties in Las Vegas.
Road Trip to Vegas Mini Series
- Episode 1: April 4th “The Road To Vegas”
- Episode 2: April 5th “Bungalows + Vegas Predictions w/ Vital Vegas”
- Episode 3: April 6th “From Wynn to Caesars with a stop for Wagyu”
- Episode 4: April 7th “I went to find a Virgin but found a Mohegan”
Vegas Is Open
Changes from February 15th, 2021
- Casinos, bars, and restaurants will go from 25% to 35% capacity Monday, February 15th
- Reservations will not be required. Table limits will be bumped from 4 to 6 people. Capacity at these businesses will increase on March 15 to 50%.
- Public gatherings and events will have a new capacity of 100 people or 35% – whichever is lower. This will increase to 250 people or 50% capacity on March 15.

May 1st – A Date To Watch
If all goes well, restrictions will be loosened even more on May 1.
The March 15 date is timed nicely for casinos, bars, and restaurants as the first weekend of March Madness takes place that week. While 50% isn’t perfect for businesses it’s certainly better than the 25% capacity.
Saturday May 1st – 80% Capacity
Clark County submitted a plan to increase capacity beginning May 1. Nevada Gaming regulators will allow 80% capacity in casinos beginning Saturday, May 1st, 2021.
When Will Vegas Be At 100% Capacity?
Capacity will increase to 100% when 60% of the local population is vaccinated. According to Clark County on Twitter, 45% are vaccinated. You can read the official document from the Nevada Gaming Control Board here.
Significant Changes on May 13th
May 13th 100% Capacity and Mask Guidance Updated
On Thursday, May 13th, the CDC updated its mask guidelines. Nevada followed suit, allowing businesses to change their policy. Next, Nevada Gaming Control announced that it’s allowing casinos to update their policy.
June 1st – Masks No Longer Required & 100% Occupancy
Clark County is removing all COVID restrictions on June 1. Las Vegas will essentially be operating at the same capacity as of February 2020. It is worth repeating: Everything Is Back in Vegas.
• Due to updates from the CDC, masks are no longer required for fully vaccinated guests or employees at many properties. Unvaccinated guests and employees are required to wear a mask.
• 100% occupancy approved for many properties by the Nevada Gaming Control board, no social distancing required.
August 1st – Mask Update
As of Friday, July 30th, 2021 you once again have to wear a mask when indoors in Las Vegas. This mandate is for everyone – vaccinated and unvaccinated people. There’s no timeframe on how long this will last. You can read about the mask mandate in Las Vegas here and here.
Shows in Las Vegas
Are you curious about the current situation with shows and entertainment in Las Vegas? Be sure to see our frequently updated overview: LAS VEGAS SHOWS – During Covid Times.
Season 5 – Episode 110
Back To Vegas
and Encore Boston Harbor Updates
February 14th, 2021
Season 5 – Episode 108
Should I Visit Vegas Now? January/February 2021
Strip Walk on Friday Night
MLK Holiday Weekend
January 15th, 2021
Episode 104 Vegas Is Open Differences
Comparing Vegas June 2020 to November 2020
“Casino Moments” – Paris Las Vegas – Charlemagne Suite Tour
Original “Vegas Is Open” Article from
June 12, 2020, Continues Below:
I’m torn about Vegas
I’m torn about the changes
I’m worried, happy, sad, thrilled
Return To Vegas – Vegas Is Open
Nobody ever thought we would be saying the phrase “Vegas Is Open.” If you are not a true lover of all things Vegas, you might not understand what it means to return to Las Vegas. That feeling you get when you see the strip landing at LAS. That feeling you get. You have arrived. You have not just arrived anywhere; you have arrived in Las Vegas. Everything is a possibility; it’s only positive; anything can happen; anything will happen.
But, then. Covid.
Vegas closed; Vegas never closes. Vegas is not supposed to close. It’s unnatural; you don’t close Vegas. Vegas is always in motion. No matter what happens. Vegas is OPEN 24 HOURS, except when it’s not.
The last time Vegas closed was the 25th of November, 1963. It was for John F. Kennedy’s funeral.

For some of us, Vegas is in our blood. It was actually in our blood before we even realised it. My earliest memories of Las Vegas were the Caesars Palace Las Vegas and MGM Grand. I think my mother always wanted a daughter, or she felt that kids need to look “sharp” when they went out with their parents in Las Vegas.
But enough about my Vegas sentiment. Casinos closing are a pretty big deal, and an even bigger deal in Las Vegas. When the Las Vegas casinos closed in March due to COVID-19 it was not only historical, but also a logistically complicated situation.
Listen To The TravelZork Podcast
On the podcast ZorkCast along with my co-host Steve White from Cranbrook in Kent, we cover many of the topics that interest leisure travelers and recreational gamblers about the casino lifestyle and casino loyalty.
Vegas Is Open – Caesars Palace Las Vegas
We figured a great place to start for the iconic re-opening of Las Vegas was Caesars Palace Las Vegas. After a bizarre but seamless cheese and pickle sandwich journey from London to LAX and a relatively easy drive from LAX to Vegas, I arrived. (You can watch our opening day video here.)
This was not your normal Las Vegas arrival. First off, there was no valet parking. I at first assumed this was a ubiquitous change for Las Vegas due to COVID-19. It was time to reacquaint myself with the joys of self-parking
When you park in a Las Vegas casino you are seldom going to wind up parking anywhere near the desired entrance or property location. This time was no exception.
I gathered my hand baggage which consisted of a rollerboard and a duffle and made my way to the “casino” entrance from the parking lot. Having been to Caesars quite a few times in the past, I had some understanding of where I would be once I actually got into the property.
I had a nice walk through the property, and the excitement tends to build as you near the “iconic” Caesars Palace Lobby Area. Things were familiar but different. I mean, you usually don’t have so many or any people wearing masks and you definitely got the impression that there was some change in the air.

First major change was that the normal queue for the front desk was started with a temperature check area. Setting aside whether you believe that checking the current temperature of guests is a prudent preventative measure, it just looks odd.
In front of the main statue were anti-bacterial stations that were contact free, and there was a security guard with a mask that also had additional masks to hand to new visitors who desired a mask.
Being a travel loyalty person, and this being Vegas, it’s often about status. I asked if there was a line for Seven Star Caesars Rewards Members. Nobody likes a queue, and you especially do not like a queue in Vegas. Fortunately, they said yes! The Diamond/Seven Stars check-in area was operating, and they told me to proceed towards the special VIP check-in room towards the Augustus Tower.
Now, this is where knowing the layout or perhaps a bit of “luck” pays off. I chose a room in the Augustus Tower which is one of the newer towers at Caesars Palace Las Vegas. Caesars is a sprawling hotel complex that has been expanded on in a rather haphazard fashion since it opened in (insert year)
While I have always loved and appreciated the history of Caesars Palace, in recent years there has been a bit of disconnection with regard to the super high quality product that Caesars represented for years, and certainly in its early years.
In recent years, Caesars associates and service levels has been saddled with draconian cost cutting measures. Oddly, Caesars Palace Las Vegas still commands some of the higher prices on the Vegas Strip. In some cases, it can cost more to stay at Caesars in a premium room than Wynn Las Vegas.
The newer towers were something to behold. When Augustus Tower first opened, I remember how awestruck I was at the size and quality of the hard product. It was huge and perfect. Including lovely amenities and minibar. After Augustus came the Octavius Tower (a real schlep from the casino floor, or perhaps really good for those who need to get in their “steps”).

I was excited to have booked a five-night complimentary stay for opening in the Augustus Tower. I figured it would be a return to an old friend, who I had not seen since when the tower first opened. But, alas, much as the rumour goes of the death of Augustus by poison from his wife Livia, we will soon find out that the Augustus Tower at Caesars Palace Las Vegas had a similar fate.

MORE WYNN – See Our Video Review
Parlor Suite Tour – Wynn Tower Suites
FAQ – Vegas Is Open
Yes, Vegas is open. Las Vegas reopened on June 4th, 2020. Numerous changes have been made since reopening concerning policies and compliance for the casinos and hotels in Las Vegas due to COVID-19.
Yes, Vegas Casinos are open. Casinos, bars, and restaurants will go from 25% to 35% capacity Monday, February 15th, 2021. Significant capacity changes also occurred in March 2021. The next big shift in capacity is expected to be announced in May 2021. Nevada Gaming regulators will allow 80% capacity in casinos beginning Saturday, May 1st, 2021.
Nevada Gaming regulators will allow 80% capacity in casinos beginning Saturday, May 1st, 2021.
Capacity will increase to 100% when 60% of the local population is vaccinated. According to Clark County on Twitter, 45% are vaccinated. You can read the official document from the Nevada Gaming Control Board here.
The last time Vegas closed was the 25th of November, 1963. It was for John F. Kennedy’s funeral.
The Governor of Nevada instituted a statewide “pause” that started on November 24th, 2020. This included a number of different changes which are outlined in this article. The “pause” was extended by Governor Sisolak on December 13th, 2020. The statewide pause will continue until January 15th, 2021.
Some Caesars shows will continue and some will stop. MGM Resorts put its shows on a three-week hiatus at the end of November. For the most up-to-date details about shows see LAS VEGAS SHOWS – During Covid Times.
There will be no fireworks on the Las Vegas Strip this year. The only fireworks display and celebration will be in Downtown Las Vegas at the Plaza Hotel and Casino on December 31st, 2020.
Yes, there is a mini-series called: Road Trip to Vegas Mini-Series, April 4th to April 8th, 2021. The series can be found on YouTube starting with Episode 1: April 4th “The Road To Vegas”
On Thursday, May 13th, the CDC updated its mask guidelines. Nevada followed suit, allowing businesses to change their policy. Next, Nevada Gaming Control announced that it’s allowing casinos to update their policy. 100% occupancy approved for many properties by the Nevada Gaming Control board, no social distancing required. Clark County is removing all COVID restrictions on June 1. Las Vegas will essentially be operating at the same capacity as of February 2020. It is worth repeating: Everything Is Back in Vegas.
Currently, the Caesars Laurel Lounges (Diamond Lounges) are closed in Las Vegas. Diamond Plus and higher Caesars Rewards Status receive 4x$20 drink coupons daily.