Maximizing the Vegas Promo
Okay, I’ve been off the radar for a bit. Life happens. Stop it life. I need to go to Vegas. And hey, I’ll be there this weekend!
But, hey last day of Summer still counts as Summer and that’s when I started writing this so let’s finish out this series and talk about promotions and comps.
Related: The Problem with (Vegas) People – Summer of Sin : Part 2
Historically, the heat of a Vegas Summer inspires casino operators to compete a little harder for business. I personally like the super hot days of Vegas summers; and with the infusion of more outdoor events geared at Millenials, outdoor festivals are drawing in larger and more crowds each summer.
Extra Wins Through Special Comps and Promotions
Still, for the gambler there is a chance to make a few extra wins through special comps and promotions.
Caesars Entertainment seems to do some type of promotion every summer if you visit so many casinos over a specific amount of time. This year, visiting so many casinos resulted in more tier points for me and it helped me get to Diamond status for the first time in about 5 years. That comes with many benefits including no resort fees, two free (select) show tickets each month, and access for you and a guest to the VIP Diamond lounges. While some might complain that Diamond status has lost its former value, the benefits I received from making the benchmark using my usual gambling (thanks to a promotion) helped me earn more value from my trips.
Another way to find promos is to just visit each casino’s website and keep them liked on Facebook. I always discover a special happy hour, event, or gaming bonus before each trip and that helps me try something different and save some money. Browsing websites is how I discovered the fun Lucky Cat promotion at Cosmopolitan a couple years ago where I won a free buffet one day and got a fortune to open a cat farm on another day. Great advice, Cosmo!
Summertime is ripe with special promos for pools and patios as this space is attractive to the Summer traveler. MyVegas, which is heavily dependent on comp rewards from MGM property Mlife Rewards casinos, often reveals special pool rewards for drinks, VIP lounge chairs, and special events during the hot months.
Finally, I simply spend some time on the internet and browse promos on Vegas boards, news sites, and through some of my favorite podcasts. Word of mouth is a good way to uncover a good promo or comp. So, not only do I do my research, I also have no shame in asking the players club if there are any promos going on or any coming up. Now, I don’t chase the comp but if I am going to play anyway while I take a break from working on my tan, I might as well make sure I’m signed up to take advantage of a good promotion.
Ok, that’s all folks – short and sweet!