COVID-Club | Flying Business Class With British Airways in the Coronavirus Era
Before we get to discussing business class with British Airways in the Coronavirus Era on, we need to reflect a bit on the past (close to) two weeks. As with all trips, they eventually come to an end. Nine days in Las Vegas experiencing the re-opening of Las Vegas and one (unplanned) day in Beverly Hills before returning to London.
Vegas Is Open – June 2020 Initial Thoughts
“Vegas Is Open,” These are the initial thoughts and observations when Vegas reopened in June 2020. Includes Caesars and Wynn Observations.
Vegas News | Reopening Continues
Vegas News June 14, 2020Vegas Reopening Continues Vegas Reopening Continues – The Sunday (TravelZork) Vegas News has required a lot
Vegas Is Back…Kinda
This is the week, so many of us have been waiting for. Las Vegas casinos are allowed to reopen. The first wave of openings took place in downtown Las Vegas and around the city just after midnight on June 4. The Vegas Strip casinos waited until sunrise to open their doors. For sure we can say, Vegas Is Back…Kinda.
Vegas News | Casinos Open This Week!
Businesses in Las Vegas are slowly opening. Phase 2 of the state’s Nevada United: Roadmap to Recovery reopening plan started on Friday. Gyms, bars, spas, and more are allowed to reopen. Of course, most of you are here for the casino biz and the news that casinos open this week!
Las Vegas Casinos Set To Reopen On June 4
Big news, Vegas Casinos set to reopen. On Tuesday night, Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak released Phase 2 of the state’s Nevada United: Roadmap to Recovery reopening plan. The second phase of reopening Nevada begins on May 29. However, casinos won’t reopen right away.